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A Challenging Month

Oh, September. In many ways, it’s a lovely month. Kids are back in school, so...

Matthew Kraemer

Since 1991, the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra has done an exceptional job of amplifying their...

“Ketch”ing Up

So my nephew Comus just started eighth grade at a new school this year...

Ju + Chan

In 2020, TikTok took off in popularity during the coronavirus pandemic. It was an...

Road Tripping

Some people never learn. And by that, I mean me.   Last year me and the...

Pound Foolish

Born in 1980, I never know if I’m a baby Gen Xer or a...

Peggy Stafford

Outdoor living spaces continue to be a strong trend – and with greater emphasis...

The Doldrums

July is the month where it actually slows down for at least a second...

Michael Richard

New Orleans is full of so much character and personality that it’s surprising it...

Scary Mary

When I was in my 20s and new to adulting, I took my dog...

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