Dara Wellness
Pictured: Dr. Holly MacKenna, MD

Specializing in providing whole-person care to patients suffering from psychological trauma and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), Holly MacKenna, MD, is a dual board-certified psychiatrist and integrative medicine physician. With over 20 years of experience in healthcare, Dr. MacKenna founded her membership-based integrative psychiatry private practice, Dara Wellness, in 2020.

Located in New Orleans, Dara Wellness serves patients from across the Gulf Coast through both in-person and telemedicine appointments. In addition to her private practice services, Dr. MacKenna offers consultations to TBI patients worldwide, including assessment and treatment programming for veterans at Tulane University Center for Brain Health. Dr. MacKenna began her career with degrees from Duke University and Wake Forest Medical School, a psychiatry residency at LSU Health Sciences, and fellowship training in Integrative Medicine at Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine.

Dr. MacKenna is a proactive voice in mental health advocacy and activism. She serves as the Strong Minds Clinical Director for the Louisiana Special Olympics and is a speaker for the Same Here Global Mental Health Movement. Dr. MacKenna regularly contributes to local news media. A published coauthor, she is writing a book about her experiences as a chronic illness patient, trainee, and healer within today’s healthcare system.

darawellnessnola.com  //  504-356-1624  //  1900 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans